Feeds (Crumble) and Water mixed with Antibacterial / Vitamin supplements |
Day 1 - 10 days old: Feed your chicken with chicks booster rather than chicks starter.
Days 11 - 42 days old: Feed your chicken with chicks crumble.
Days 43 - slaughter: Feed your chicken with finisher mass.
I suggest not to do any experimentation on your chicken feeds - the feeds that you bought in an agrivet shop has a complete nutrition your chickens needs.
Water Consumption
Must use fresh and clean water, mix antibacterial and vitamins to your chicken daily drinking water if possible (as per veterinarian advised) - just a little amount to make the water yellowish in color. Sometimes our tap water is not good since it contains chlorine and other chemicals that affects the chicken digestions, but its a rare case.
If possible, don't provide your chickens with any medication if not required especially for broilers.